Category: Compressor PERODUA
Product description: PER 005 Car Model : ALZA Number of Grooves : 6PK Compressor Type : 10S13C (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 029 Car Model : ALZA Number of Grooves : 6PK Compressor Type : 10S13C (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 021 Car Model : AXIA Number of Grooves : 6PK Compressor Type : J8407 (706) (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 030 Car Model : AXIA Number of Grooves : 6PK Compressor Type : J8407 (706) (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 024 Car Model : AXIA 706 to 10S Number of Grooves : 6PK Compressor Type : 10S11C (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 039 Car Model : AXIA 706 to 10S Number of Grooves : 6PK Compressor Type : 10S11C (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 025 Car Model : Per/Bezza 2016 (1.0) Number of Grooves : 6PK Compressor Type : 10S13C Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 019 Car Model : KANCIL 08E Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : 10P08E Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 020 Car Model : KANCIL Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : SEIKIO-SEIKI Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 001 Car Model : KANCIL ND Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : SV06E Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 006 Car Model : KANCIL ND Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : J806E (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 031 Car Model : KANCIL ND Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : J806E (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 007 Car Model : KANCIL SD Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : J8302 (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 028 Car Model : KANCIL SD Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : J8302 (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 008 Car Model : KANCIL PAN TO 705 Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : 705 (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 041 Car Model : KANCIL PAN TO 705 Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : 705 (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 009 Car Model : KANCIL SD TO 10S10 Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : 10S10 Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 045 |
Product description: PER 010 Car Model : KEMBARA O/M Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : 10P08E (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 032 Car Model : KEMBARA O/M Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : 10P08E (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 002 Car Model : KEMBARA DVVT Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : SV06E Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 040 Car Model : KEMBARA VVTI to 10S Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : 10S11C (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 044 |
Product description: PER 003 Car Model : KENARI 08E Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : 10P08E Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 042 Car Model : Myvi 1.5 (2018) Number of Grooves : 4PK 12V Compressor Type : 10SR11C Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 043 Car Model : Myvi 1.3 (2018) Number of Grooves : 6PK 12V Compressor Type : 10SR11C Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 011 Car Model : MYVI 1.3 Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : 10S13C (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 033 Car Model : MYVI 1.3 Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : 10S13C (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 012 Car Model : MYVI 1.5 Number of Grooves : 6PK Compressor Type : 10S13C (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 036 Car Model : MYVI 1.5 Number of Grooves : 6PK Compressor Type : 10S13C (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 013 Car Model : MYVI TO 10S10 Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : 10S10 (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 034 Car Model : MYVI TO 10S10 Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : 10S10 (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 014 Car Model : MYVI TO 10S11C Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : 10S11C (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 035 Car Model : MYVI TO 10S11C Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : 10S11C (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 015 Car Model : MYVI TO 705 Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : J7130 Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 004 Car Model : MYVI TO MSC60C Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : MSC60C Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 023 Car Model : MYVI 1.3 05-10 Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : SV07C (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 037 Car Model : MYVI 1.3 05-10 Number of Grooves : 4PK Compressor Type : SV07C (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 022 Car Model : NAUTICA Number of Grooves : 6PK Compressor Type : 10S10C Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 016 Car Model : RUSA SD Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : 7H13 (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 038 Car Model : RUSA SD Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : 7H13 (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 026 |
Product description: PER 017 Car Model : VIVA SD Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : J8035 (C) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 027 Car Model : VIVA SD Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : J8035 (R) Refrigerant : R-134a |
Product description: PER 018 Car Model : VIVA SD TO 10S10 Number of Grooves : 1A Compressor Type : 10S10 Refrigerant : R-134a |